
From Stigma to Understanding: Why Representation of Illness in Popular Culture Matters

In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou I never saw myself reflected on tv or in books. A chubby small town girl who liked to read didn’t get much screen time on tv or page time in books. She still doesn’t. Not to mention one with chronic illness. As more minorities… Continue reading From Stigma to Understanding: Why Representation of Illness in Popular Culture Matters


Write, and Change The World

The world is in pain. There are abhorrent wars going on. Our queer community is denied their rights in increasingly horrific ways. Climate disasters are happening across the globe at a scary rate and intensity. Covid still lingers. Human-induced tragedy seems ongoing and unstoppable at the moment and each of us suffers from it in… Continue reading Write, and Change The World


What Is A Book Coach (And Why Would Writers Need One)

Book coaching is a relatively new occupation that is fast-growing, but still a new concept to many writers. So have you been wondering what a book coach is and does, or are you completely new to the term? Then read on! The New Need for a Coach The need for book coaches has grown out… Continue reading What Is A Book Coach (And Why Would Writers Need One)


Does Every Writer Need A Book Coach?

Before I dive into the answer to this -very good! - question about whether everyone needs a book coach, here is a piece I wrote about what book coaching is and how it is beneficial to writers. So, does every writer need a book coach? Some may say 'YES!' because our work helps writers in… Continue reading Does Every Writer Need A Book Coach?

Creative Living

Why We Must Unsilence Our Voices

I believe stories change the world, because stories have the ability to have a major impact on their readers. Reading about experiences outside of yourself creates empathy and understanding for situations you were not familiar with before. Reading about your own lived experience makes you feel seen and understood. This in turn helps you gain… Continue reading Why We Must Unsilence Our Voices

Creative Living

A Brief (Her)Story of Me

As I continue on my journey as a book and personal development coach, I feel that for you to be able to trust me with your stories, you need to know I trust you with mine. Each of us consists of thousands of different stories, millions. Today I tell you about the one that has… Continue reading A Brief (Her)Story of Me

A fountain pen writes on a piece of paper.
Creative Living

Why You Are Allowed To Invest in Yourself 

The biggest reason is very obvious: you are worth investing in.  Not always so easy to get on board with though right? We feel we should invest in that new vacuum cleaner. Buy new shoes for the kids. A new phone perhaps, or as a treat to ourselves some chocolates. But invest extensively in a… Continue reading Why You Are Allowed To Invest in Yourself 

A thirty something year old women with long, dark hair, wearing black glasses, black and white earrings and a green turtleneck jumper. She is smiling.
Creative Living

‘From Bedbound to Book Coach’

Watch an interview with me by Author Accelerator’s CEO and book coach extraordinaire Jennie Nash in which we talk about my journey from being completely bedbound with illness to my certification as a book coach while still having multiple chronic illnesses. It was wonderful to be able to share my journey from being bedbound to… Continue reading ‘From Bedbound to Book Coach’

Creative Living

A Plea to Make Room for Chronic Illness Stories in Popular Culture

“In diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” — Maya Angelou I never saw myself reflected on TV or in books. A chubby small-town girl who liked to read and write didn’t really get much airtime on TV. Still doesn’t. Not to mention if that girl develops a chronic illness. And then another. And… Continue reading A Plea to Make Room for Chronic Illness Stories in Popular Culture

Creative Living

A Plea For Showing Disability in Art

“In diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” Maya Angelou This piece first appeared on my author website on 12 November 2020. Reposted here with slight amendments. I never saw myself reflected on tv or in books. A chubby small town girl who liked to read didn’t really get much airtime on tv. Still… Continue reading A Plea For Showing Disability in Art